Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Duke of Edinburgh Program Canada

I found this note over 10 years ago when my friend was going through her father's papers after his death. We found this in a plastic fishing license holder, without a clue as to where it came from. My friend was getting ready to throw it away, but I couldn't let her.

It has been in storage ever since.

The note reads:
"To the Finder, August 4, 1985
We are sending this note from Tousit Falls on the West Coast Trail. We are 6 air cadets on trail for the Duke of Edinburough program.
We are Mr. J. Donohue
John Donohue
Mark Ralph
Liz Chidlow
Julie Sundell
Erin Carlow
Please write to let us know where it arrived.
Liz Chidlow
3361 Luxton Rd
Victoria, B.C.

Is This You?
Mr. J. Donohue
John Donohue
Mark Ralph
Liz Chidlow
Julie Sundell
Erin Carlow
If this is you, please leave a comment and let me know! I'd love to hear the background story on this note!


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