Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Parker Pen Set

One of the first purchases I ever made at a Goodwill Outlet store was more than 10 years ago ... and it was this Parker pen set.

It ended up in a box in storage.

It wasn't until I pulled it out today that I realized the pens are engraved!

There is a name, which I won't reveal, and the following enscription:

"Burns Fire Deal"

I think it is referring to the town of Burns, Oregon.
Beyond that, I just don't know.

I would love to know more about this pen set!

Is This You?

Burns Fire Deal 1963

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Postcard - Delaware in Springtime

I got this postcard from Delaware back in 1980 or so; I only recently found it in my trunk along with some other treasures.

"Dear Clytie, I was really glad to hear that you $ situation has improved greatly. Kind of gives you the idea the the Lord would like ya to go to Multnomah Instant Bible Toot (I'm not sure I spelled that right). Sure hope other things are going well out there. I've had a good time here at home, but I am looking forward to coming back to my Oregon home. I miss ya all. In Him, Bob"

Bob ended up marrying one of my best high school friends, Stacie.
They eventually left Oregon and I lost track of them.
I heard at one point that they ended up in back in Delaware (Bob's home state), but I'm not sure.

(If you ever see this, Bob, I hope you got the newspaper headline you always wanted!)
(Do you remember? "Hurricane Bob Wreaks Havoc on East Coast?")

Is This You?

Bob Walker, Stacie Badnin, Stacie Walker

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wilsonville Times Clipping 1981

I found this newspaper clipping in Grammie's papers ...
(Doug Nickerson is my cousin - Grammie's grandson)
Wilsonville Times, Wilsonville, Oregon, Wednesday, April 8, 1981
Getting ready for summer picnics

"For a hearty group of Saturday carpenters, wielding hacksaws, ratchets and hammers proved a pleasant and profitable switch from pencils, gas pumps and dustmops. Volunteers gathered at Wilsonville Park last weekend to begin construction of 50 picnic tables, the wood for which was donated to the city by the Robert Randall Company. An effective assembly line production program put City Engineer Jim Long at the table saw, Mobile Station's Doug Nickerson marking with the tri-square, while Cheryl Beyer manned the drill press. Public works director Larry Blanchard worked with Parks Maintenance Man Steve Munsterman in assembly and bolting. Realtors got into the action, too, as Carol and Joe Torres of Bailey and Marshall, and Bob Rhoades of Balsiger-Ingraham assisted. By day's end many of the solid, 350 pound tables were ready for summertime picnickers. The balance will have to wait for another work party, to be scheduled by Blanchard following Monday's Park Department meeting. Volunteers are welcome!"

Is This You?

Wilsonville Park, Robert Randall Company, Jim Long, Mobile Station, Doug Nickerson, Cheryl Beyer, Larry Blanchard, Steve Munsterman, Carole and Joe Torres, Bailey and Marshall, Bob Rhoades, Balsiger-Ingraham

Monday, July 16, 2012

Flash Drive Found

I was shopping at the Goodwill Outlet Store when I found a flash drive at the bottom of one of the bins. Because I'm always curious about things like that, I went ahead and put it in my cart for purchase.

What I found when I got home broke my heart.

Photos. Lots of photos.
Family photos.
Memories of the good times gone by ...
And divorce documents.

So very sad.

Is This You?

James John Noah III
Michelle Marie Noah
Taylor Rae Noah

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Wilsonville Times Newspaper Clipping

Grammie kept a LOT of papers - including newspaper clippings - especially if she knew someone who was mentioned.

I found this clipping in her papers ...
It would have been published in the Wilsonville Times (Wilsonville Spokesman)
probably sometime in the late 1960's or early 1970's.
(Don Wilson was my 8th grade teacher. Betty Plant was the wonderful librarian who inspired in me a love for books).

"Summer Time Learning ...

1. Although the formal school year has closed, Wilsonville students are taking advantage of the summer session to learn added skills. Here instructor Don Wilson assists Kris Erickson in the eighth grade typing class while students (from left) Emily Aden, Gigi Vlaho and Judy Bruck look on.

2. Sharpening their reading skills; second and third graders are attending morning classes taught by Mrs. Don Wilson. Here Mrs. Wilson helps Linda Boozier to recognize an unfamiliar word.

3. The school library will be open for readers of the community each Wednesday for ten weeks during the summer and includes a story hour. Here school librarian, Mrs. Plant reads a story to second grader Laureen Lasky."

Is This You?

Wilsonville Grade School, Don Wilson, Kris Erickson, Emily Aden, Gigi Vlaho, Judy Bruck, Mrs. Don Wilson, Linda Boozier, Mrs. Plant, Laureen Lasky


Friday, July 13, 2012

Thank You Note ...

(I found this note in Grammie's papers ... like me, she kept everything!)
((And I'm so glad she did, because I can share them here!!!))

January 26, 1965

Dear Mrs. Nickerson,

Thank you so much for the terry set, mirror and rattle you and Eva gave to Leland. I know he will use them often and appreciate your thoughtfulness. I also think of the note you sent on back of the card you sent us and hope we can live up to all the nice things you said.

Shirley Koester

Is This You?

Genevieve Nickerson
Jenny Nickerson
Eva Gibson
Shirley Koester
Leland Koester