Sunday, July 22, 2012

Postcard - Delaware in Springtime

I got this postcard from Delaware back in 1980 or so; I only recently found it in my trunk along with some other treasures.

"Dear Clytie, I was really glad to hear that you $ situation has improved greatly. Kind of gives you the idea the the Lord would like ya to go to Multnomah Instant Bible Toot (I'm not sure I spelled that right). Sure hope other things are going well out there. I've had a good time here at home, but I am looking forward to coming back to my Oregon home. I miss ya all. In Him, Bob"

Bob ended up marrying one of my best high school friends, Stacie.
They eventually left Oregon and I lost track of them.
I heard at one point that they ended up in back in Delaware (Bob's home state), but I'm not sure.

(If you ever see this, Bob, I hope you got the newspaper headline you always wanted!)
(Do you remember? "Hurricane Bob Wreaks Havoc on East Coast?")

Is This You?

Bob Walker, Stacie Badnin, Stacie Walker

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